A designer’s poem

Uday Dandavate
2 min readMay 9, 2020


Finding our inner poem is a designer’s ultimate reward.

26 years ago I made a career transition from design to design research. This change brought about a profound transformation in how I viewed my role in the world.

All these years I have been traveling the world, Observing people, asking them questions and encouraging them to find creative solutions to their problems on their own. Opening my mind to people’s stories has brought humility in me. In this state I have expanded my curiosity and have enjoyed so many chance encounters with interesting people and unexpected events. I am not surprised that this 26-year-long journey of taming my ego and expanding my curiosity has led to blooming of poetry within me.

During a recent conversation with my teacher from the the design school he recited an Urdu poem written by the legendary poet Iqbal.

हजारो साल नर्गिस अपनी बेनूरी पे रोती है

बडी. मुश्किल से होता है चमन में दिदावर पैदा

The closest translation of its meaning is:

“for years

the bud languished

in the darkness



until one day

it bloomed into a flower

just when a maven

was visiting the garden”

As I was listening to the frail voice of my professor reciting Iqbal’s poem, I had goosebumps, just as I did when I was Inspired to write my first poem “an untucked feather” eight months ago.

Yesterday I received the final manuscript of my book of poems from my editor. I went to bed last night with a sense of calm and a feeling of accomplishment at having turned a new page.

I woke up in the middle of the night with an epiphany. I had my own interpretation of Iqbal’s poem that explained to me the moment I discovered the poem within. I pulled out my phone and wrote down:

like the daffodil

the poem

may have lived inside me

as a bud

for decades



until the day

it was ready to bloom

and I was ready

to appreciate it.

I went back to sleep feeling illuminated and humble. I realized that an open and curious mind leads to discovering the inner poem.

I am looking forward to sharing my book of poems with you soon. I hope it will help you discover the poem within you as well.




Uday Dandavate
Uday Dandavate

Written by Uday Dandavate

A design activist and ethnographer of social imagination.

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