Healing with Beebo
This is an email sent by a reader to my wife. I have anonymised the names to respect the privacy of the writer.
Dear Rohini,
Thank you for inviting me to the book launch of Finding your beebo! It was lovely to listen to the author and all the others who helped him ! Congrats to Udayji and best wishes to bring out many more!! I downloaded the book with the link you sent me, although I personally believe it shouldn’t be taken for free. Thank you 😊
Regarding the book …here are my unfiltered thoughts :
I just couldn’t put the phone down! It reads beautifully and has profound ideas in very simple words and illustrations. The illustrations are very endearing..makes one feel like someone very close to you, say like your uncle or grandma or your best friend is sitting and giving you life lessons which you would never ignore. Inspiring and thought-provoking! It reminded of Wayne Dyer’s book on Intentions ..you can just pick any page and read randomly, it still makes sense..
Also, personally i have used some of the techniques there which i learnt from workshops on Appreciative Inquiry and the leadership training program I mentioned earlier. The visualisation (dream-design) have helped me rebuild my life – I was struggling with life in a bad marriage,single parenting for 16 years. I had to find the courage to get out of that and rebuild my life. I used visualisation techniques of having a home, having friends over for tea …and having my family around me ! I also kept uttering the lines ‘ let there be music in my life’ … and now there is. Jim and I married in 2014 and I have both my dreams come true! It works ! I have an absolutely lovely family now.. The book validated my own experiences :)
Another thought which the talk/book triggered is- when you have had a past with love n creativity, it is easier to dream. My mom a musician and dad was an engineer/ amateur theatre artiste… i had grown up in a small town, which had one cinema theatre and one hotel and TV came into my life only when i was 18 or so. All our free time was spent in creating our own entertainment , plays and music shows. My brother n i. used to sit in some rehearsal or the other as my parents acted , books open on our laps, and prompt anyone who forgot their dialogue! I directed my first play when i was 9 years old :) Anyway, why I mentioned my childhood was because there was an image of love, art, beauty and connectivity with people as Sudha spoke yesterday, from my past which i was able to tap into. to rebuild my life ! It is that more essential to nurture these dreams for those who have not been so fortunate ! I try to help my students and (my daughter ) find her Beebo when they learn music ! Adults struggle more …The book is something which adults need more than children!
Once again Thank you both so much for inviting me , and. for sharing such a beautiful book with the world. Congrats to Isha too, her vibrant presence made the show a very cheerful n well organised one.
Lots of love,