How I used ChatGPT to write Haiku
My initial desire to try my hand at Haiku was triggered by an urge to take my poetry writing process to a new medium of expression. Two days ago I wrote my first haiku.
Today as I was working on my third haiku, I was. struggling to find the right words that would enable me to follow the 5–7–5 syllables rule of haiku. I decided to ask ChatGPT how many syllables each variation of my haiku had. Working through iterations of my haiku, I arrived at a final version of my haiku that adhered to the rule.
Whispers of the conscience
Hang on the edge like dewdrops
for a few moments
I asked ChatGPT to clean up the haiku for the most poetic impact. It suggested:
I then asked “If you were to explain to someone what my haiku is about, what would you say?"
ChatGPT replied, “This haiku captures a moment of quiet introspection. It describes the subtle presence of a person’s inner thoughts or conscience, comparing them to delicate dewdrops hanging on the edge of something. The haiku suggests that these moments of self-reflection are fleeting and occur in stillness or moments of contemplation. Overall, it conveys a sense of the ephemeral and the importance of paying attention to one’s inner voice.”
Next, I asked chatGPT to clean up another of my haikus. I said, “Can you clean up this haiku for rules and for lucidity of poetry?”
The reflection of moon
Could not hold on to its smile
when met by raindrops
ChatGPT replied,
Moon’s reflection gleams,
Can’t hold its smile, kissed by rain,
Brief joy, then it fades.
I was not satisfied. I asked ChatGPT to give me another version
ChatGPT Replied, “Of course, here’s another variation of your haiku:”
Moon’s reflection fades,
Unable to keep its smile,
Met by rain’s embrace.
I liked this version. I asked ChatGPT to explain the essence of this haiku.
ChatGPT replied, “Certainly! In this haiku, the essence lies in the contrast between the moon’s reflection and the raindrops. The moon’s reflection initially appears to be smiling, but this smile is fleeting. When raindrops meet the reflection, it can no longer hold onto its cheerful appearance, and the smile fades. This haiku captures a moment of transient beauty and emphasizes the idea that even the most beautiful and serene moments in life can be disrupted by unexpected changes, much like the impact of raindrops on a calm surface. It reflects the impermanence and fragility of happiness.”
Finally. I asked ChatGPT to clean my first. haiku
the only words
that I can trust are
i don’t know
ChatGPT responded,
The only words I trust
Are “I don’t know” — pure honesty,
Simple wisdom speaks.
I was not satisfied. I asked for another try. ChatGPT responded, “Certainly, here’s another variation:”
Only words I trust
“I don’t know,” humble and true,
In their honesty.
I was not sure I liked this version yet so asked ChatGPT for another try. ChatGPT responded, “ Of course, here’s another variation:”
The words I hold dear,
“I don’t know” they speak with grace,
Honesty’s embrace.
I liked the second version. I asked ChatGPT. to explain the essence of this haiku. ChatGPT responded, “Certainly! The essence of the second haiku lies in the theme of honesty and humility. It suggests that among all the words spoken, the ones the author can trust and hold dear are the simple words “I don’t know.” These words are considered trustworthy because they represent an acknowledgment of one’s limitations and a willingness to embrace uncertainty with humility. The haiku emphasizes the beauty and purity of honesty found in admitting what one doesn’t know, making it a valuable and dependable foundation for communication and understanding.”
Next, I asked “What do the three haikus written above say about the author”
Chat GPT replied, “The three haikus collectively convey a sense of the author’s values and worldview. They suggest that the author values honesty, humility, and simplicity in communication and personal philosophy.
In the first haiku, the author reflects on the transient nature of happiness, showing an awareness of life’s impermanence.
The second haiku reveals the author’s admiration for straightforwardness and honesty, particularly in the phrase “I don’t know,” which the author holds in high regard.
The third haiku reinforces the importance of honesty and humility, highlighting that these qualities are what the author considers to be trustworthy and precious in communication.
Overall, these haikus provide insights into the author’s perspective on life and their preference for sincerity and simplicity in words and actions.”
As I think about my interaction with Chat GPT, I realize that I used ChatGPT as a collaborator who guided me in following the rules of haiku writing. It also provided me constructive feedback to refine my message. The help I received from ChatGPT could be compared to the conversations I had with my editor when I was working on my books.
I invite my readers to reflect on my interaction with ChatGPT and provide your feedback about what role ChatGPT played in my own process of writing a haiku.
For the past 30 years I have focused on helping my clients, students and communities ponder what Being Human means. I help them Humanize Technologies and Democratize Design.
Applications of disruptive technologies must be managed with mindfulness. I believe technology must not be allowed to turn humans into slaves. Rather we should harness and command technologies to expand our imagination and consciousness.
I invite you to comment on my experience of using ChatGPT to improve my haikus.