Nurturing Curiosity, Connection, and Imagination: An Invitation to Journey Together Through ‘Being & Belonging
In this short article, I highlight the significance of engaging in meaningful conversations with younger generations. By nurturing curiosity, empathy, and imagination, we can encourage them to explore life’s complexities and build a more compassionate future. My book, “Being & Belonging: A Journey of Curiosity and Imagination,” serves as a conversation starter, fostering open dialogue and valuing diverse perspectives. Through these shared experiences, we can create a strong foundation for growth, understanding, and a deeper connection between generations.
Over the years, many of my. friends have asked me to engage in conversations with their teenage children. In these exchanges, I prioritize listening and fostering open dialogue, encouraging them to express their interests, curiosities, and strong emotions. We discuss their fears and uncertainties, and I welcome them to express their questions and opinions.
By creating an empathetic, non-judgmental space, these teenagers feel comfortable asking simple questions they may otherwise hesitate to voice for fear of being labeled as confused, incorrect or stupid. Our conversations provide an opportunity for non-judgemental exploration and understanding without the pressure of always needing to have the right answers.
These conversations have taught me valuable lessons as well. I’ve learned to communicate in a clear, jargon-free manner, breaking down complex questions into simpler, more manageable parts. This approach fosters understanding and encourages open dialogue.
Engaging with these teenagers has also revealed their desire to be treated as equals and to engage in transparent conversations. They appreciate authenticity, including the sharing of vulnerabilities, failures, and serendipitous experiences. Being open about the full spectrum of emotions I’ve encountered has proven essential in establishing a genuine connection. Communicating effectively with teenagers requires learning to be authentic, which can be challenging for adults.
Through these interactions, I’ve discovered my enjoyment of exchanging ideas with young individuals seeking clarity and answers. Additionally, conducting in-home interviews around the world has shown me that even children as young as five possess unasked questions, unprocessed observations, and unexpressed opinions. Engaging in conversation with an open mind can help bring these thoughts to the surface and foster a deeper understanding of their perspectives.
I have a beautiful example of a young child’s capacity to think deeply. During recent co-creation project to envision an in-ride autonomous car experience I asked a participating family to answer a warm up question: Did your experience of living through covid-19 pandemic change your thinking in any way? A six year old child replied, “Before the sickness came, I thought technology would make the future better, but now I think being kind and helping each other, being more human, is what will make the future better.”
As i have more conversations with. young persons, I feel convinced that the younger a person is, the more likely they are to have preserved their natural curiosity and imagination, as they have had less exposure to the restricting norms of the adult world. On the other hand, the older a person is, the more likely they are to hold a fixed worldview shaped by their years of experiences and accumulated beliefs.
I hope that my book, “Being & Belonging: A Journey of Curiosity and Imagination,” will inspire meaningful conversations between parents and children, teachers and students, and mentors and mentees in the workplace. The initial response from younger readers has shown me that the ideas within its pages are expressed with honesty and authenticity.
The book reflects my own quest for understanding, guidance, and meaningful relationships. My aim is to engage the younger generation in a conversation, encouraging them to explore the world with curiosity and an open mind. I aspire to travel the world, connecting with readers and facilitating workshops that nurture imagination and contemplation, especially in an era of constant information bombardment.
Ultimately, “Being & Belonging” is an invitation for readers to join me on a journey of discovery and self-reflection, fostering deeper connections and encouraging the exploration of life’s mysteries together.