What’s your story?
last night
my friend said to me
“now tell me your story
does it begin with the sky
or the universe
or your own soul?”
well, it depends
on who is telling the story
and to what purpose
is my story
my pitch
a biography
an autobiography
a resume
or a part of
someone else’ story?
is my story
a dream
a discovery
a memory
or is it a
lingering sensation
for those
whose lives
I have touched?
my story is
a story of
wins and losses
and foolishness
we all experience
It is a story of
collective consciousness
a search for meaning
and awakening
my story
is our shared story
of serendipitous encounters
and purposeful adventures
of the footprints
we leave behind
for others to
learn from
my story is
larger and longer
than life
I will ever live
I am only a part of it
it’s the story of eternity
it is a story of evolution
it began before me
and will continue to build
after I am gone
I will be in the story
as long as
during my life
I gain access to
the collective consciousness
and shared purpose.
our purpose will live
beyond my lifetime
my story therefore
Is the story of
firm and
fading footprints
in the sand of time.
it is the story of
my soul
seeking liberation
from the trappings of my ego
and from the barriers of fear
so it could become
a shiny particle in
the vastness of the universe
just like
the lasting glow
of the fireflies
in the forest and
the stars in the sky.